Students have the opportunity to be involved in a variety of activities throughout the year committed to both education and action in the local and global communities.
St John Bosco College is committed to providing opportunities for students to grow as leaders. Our students relish the opportunity to drive change, take on responsibility, be part of the decision- making process and have input into the future direction of the college. A key aspect of student leadership is student voice, with students in leadership representing their peers.
Student leaders at St John Bosco College actively support and contribute to the life of the college, acting as exemplary and positive role models, consistently uphold college expectations in terms of behaviour, attendance and uniform. They develop strong leadership skills and take pride in representing the college at community and Sydney Catholic Schools events.
A range of formal and informal leadership opportunities are available, as well as personal development around leading.
Year 12 students are eligible for the leadership positions of College Captain, College Vice Captain, House Captain, Social Justice Leader and Community Service Leader. They meet fortnightly to engage in student consultation around the best ways to address student needs.